Eel Energy

By |2019-11-22T14:40:33+00:00November 13th, 2019|

Case Study Eel Energy Harvesting power from oceans and rivers Partners Involved: Ocean, rivers (currents), EEL Energy, IFREMER (French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea), and Hutchinson (Total Group subsidiary) Type of Partnership: Win-Neutral for Public and Planet Partnership Models: Life Force Such a device provides the Public with [...]

Garbage Fighting Vultures

By |2019-11-22T14:39:14+00:00November 12th, 2019|

Case Study Garbage Fighting Vultures Tackling illegal waste dump Partners Involved: Vultures, Peru Ministry of Environment, Gallinazo Avisa Type of Partnership: Win-Neutral for Public and Planet Partnership Models: Data Partner, Waste Manager, Educator The campaign benefits public health and sanitation and prevents pollution. However, it is not directly enriching the [...]

IoT Pigeon Air Patrol

By |2019-11-22T14:38:10+00:00November 11th, 2019|

Case Study IoT Pigeon Air Patrol Fighting air pollution Partners Involved: Pigeon Air Patrol, CISCO, DigitasLBi, Pigeons, Plume Labs Type of Partnership: Win-Neutral for Public and Planet Partnership Models: Data Partner For the Public, the pigeons provide previously inaccessible data on man-made pollution levels. Therefore, monitoring air quality and taking [...]

Bio-Logging Seabirds

By |2019-11-22T14:36:59+00:00November 10th, 2019|

Case Study Bio-Logging Seabirds Improving weather forecasting accuracy Partners Involved: Seabirds, Scientists (University of Tokyo) Type of Partnership: Win-Neutral for Public and Planet Partnership Models: Data Partner Data collected by seabirds helps improve weather forecasts. In the context of climate change, it allows researchers to better understand their capacity to [...]

Dung Beetles

By |2019-11-22T14:36:00+00:00November 9th, 2019|

Case Study Dung Beetles Nature's indispensable recyclers Partners Involved: Beetles, Animal Waste, Waste Disposal Organizations Type of Partnership: Win-Win for Public and Planet Partnership Models: Waste Manager, Nourisher While the dung beetles are nourished with food, for the Public, they remove dung from sight, smell, and inadvertent footstep. For both [...]

Frog Census

By |2019-11-22T14:34:41+00:00November 8th, 2019|

Case Study Frog Census Monitoring water health Partners Involved: Frogs, Scientists, Citizen Scientists Type of Partnership: Win-Win for Public and Planet Partnership Models: Data Partner, Sensor Using frog health as an indicator of water health is mutually reinforcing and beneficial for Public water consumption, as well as the entire wetland [...]

NY Watershed Agreement

By |2019-11-22T14:33:40+00:00November 7th, 2019|

Case Study NY Watershed Agreement Micro-organisms percolate drinking water Partners Involved: New York City agencies, the upstate communities, members of the environmental community (foresters, landowners, farmers), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other federal agencies, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and other state agencies, the forest ecosystem (flora, [...]

Fungi Fight Hunger

By |2019-11-22T14:32:37+00:00November 6th, 2019|

Case Study Fungi Fight Hunger Growing climate change adaptive crops Partners Involved: Endophytes, Fungi, Crops, Scientists Type of Partnership: Win-Win for Public and Planet Partnership Models: Protector, Nourisher Biotech can’t work fast enough to meet the pressures of 7 billion people and climate change. To meet food demands, we need [...]

Tsunami-Proof Mangrove Seawalls

By |2019-11-22T14:31:10+00:00November 5th, 2019|

Case Study Tsunami-Proof Mangrove Seawalls Nature based climate adaptation Partners Involved: Mangrove Forests, Local Communities Type of Partnership: Win-Win for Public and Planet Partnership Models: Purifier, Isolator, Protector, Moneymaker Through mangroves restoration and actively removing barnacles from seedlings to allow them to flourish and grow, coastal communities in Vietnam are [...]

The Ocean Clean Up

By |2019-11-22T14:29:44+00:00November 4th, 2019|

Case Study The Ocean Clean Up Harnessing waves to collect garbage Partners Involved: Ocean, The Ocean Clean-Up Type of Partnership: Win-Win for Public and Planet Partnership Models: Waste Manager, Moneymaker Healthy oceans provide immeasurable benefits for the Public, ranging from food, fishermen livelihoods and tourism; and benefits the vast eco-systems [...]

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